Jeff Ohara, the guitarist for ASYLUM 66 was able to cut his teeth on the early New York City punk rock scene by sneaking out of his parent's suburban NY home to see the groups that made the Lower East Side famous. It wasn't long before Jeff decided that his place wasn't in front of the stage, but ON it, where he could make his own contributions to the very scene that had given so much to everyone who was once considered outcasts and misfits...but were now THE "in-crowd".

After working triple-time learning to play guitar, bass AND drums, Jeff joined the ranks of several stalwart punk acts including the Undead, Butch Lust and the Hypocrites, and New Rose.

Jeff began working with original Asylum 66 vocalist Bobby Slash (now in NJ's MASTERBURNER) and together were the writing core of ASYLUM 66 going back to 1988. Whenever Asylum 66 is not out actively touring, Jeff uses his own professional recording studio in Atlanta, GA to earn a living, but to also work on the upcoming ASYLUM 66 album "It Wasn't Me"

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