Meeting Anthony D'Amico for the first time doesn't exactly give you the feeling you are in the presence of punk rock's presently most capable and accomplished bass batterer...but rest are. It's probably his laid-back "class clown" personality that puts you at ease right around the time you realize he's also a solid, husky 6-foot plus maniac with a large hunk of wood in his hands. .

Of course, it can't always be about fun and games, and as soon as the stage lights come up, Anthony tears into an assault of his instrument that is so fierce, you're left to wonder if the guitar insulted his mother. Leaping and stalking about the stage, all the while pounding out warp speed down strokes through a pair of Ampeg SVT amps (that can often be found whimpering in the van after a good show).

Anthony knows that if it wasn't for his ability to properly pace all of the kinetic energy of ASYLUM 66 with his "from the gut" four counts, to his ability to remain in perfect lock with drummer Jay Jay Meraz, there's a good chance that this whole band could self-destruct (Mission Impossible style) right there on the stage!

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